Mount Athos

Feast Celebrations - مناسبات الأعياد

Photos at the Kellion - صور من الدير

The Guest House - بيت الضيافة

From the Archives - صور من الأرشيف

The New Antiochian Church - الكنيسة الجديدة الانطاكية

The Church of St Paul is the first Antiochian Orthodox Church in the Holy Mountain. It is built with stone-style architecture and was completed in 2021.

The Old Church - الكنيسة القديمة

The Church of St Procopius dates back to the 10th century. In its current state, the church is shored up with structural reinforcement pending rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation & Construction - إعادة التأهيل و البناء

The Workshop - جناح المشاغل